Monday, October 5, 2009

Newest members

 We've been pretty busy getting things organized around here for the cold months.  So much to do to keep all those beasts warm.  We are starting to be known in the region as "the people that will take your unwanted animals".  To some extent, we love helping out people, and we love even more helping out animals in need.  We would never turn our back on any animal that needs shelter and food.
We have two new members to our animal family.
A beautiful baby belted galloway heifer that we name, or I should say, Audrey named, Ice.  The owner found her half way out of her mother, with the mom too weak to keep pushing her out.  So he helped the little one finish it's course into this world, as he slowly watched the mom leave.  He took it upon himself to bottle feed this little creature, and loving it completely.  It became man's best friend pretty quickly.   And let's just say that both my daughters fell madly in love with Ice from the fist second they saw her.  They can walk her around the yard on a leash just like our dogs lol.
Second newcomer is a two and a half percheron mare.  She is a giant, but a gentle one.  You cannot walk into the paddock without being invaded by her.  She will follow you everywhere.  We were a bit intimidated by her size when we first saw her, but we are slowly getting used to her.  She is so gentle and careful, that you can't help but want to cuddle her.  And she loves to give us kisses.
Well, it's time again to go back to my chores.  Gotta get everything ready for everyone to have a comfortable winter, including us.

fresh from the farm........

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