Saturday, October 10, 2009

saving baby kitten

Doune, my female cat has had her share of ups and downs with her litters.  Always one that dies, is not normal,or all but one of them don't make it.  One litter, seven kittens, one alive.  Let's just say that turned out to be one fat cat.  She's always had her litters in the house, except this last one.  She spends the night inside, and goes out during the day.  But three days ago, she didn't come in for the night.  I found her the next morning, all skinny.  She'd had her babies during the night, outside somewhere.  Guess i was going to become a cat stalker.  We are just about ready to go to the store, when we hear whimpers coming from the basement.  Seven baby kittens!!!  One was not alive, so that left us with six.
For some reason, my female just won't take care of them.  On the first day, she managed to sneak out of the house early afternoon, and was nowhere to be found.  We called and called her all evening.  She finally showed up at around midnight when i got home, only to find her kittens very weak and freezing.  I rushed them into the house, placed them on the furnace grill trying to get heat to them. For some unknown reason, she just doesn't want to care for these little guys.  Threw out the night, I lost five of them.  Only one of them is still alive, and I'm going to fight for him with everything I have.  Rushed to the pet store this morning, got replacement milk and little feeding bottle.
What a joy to finally see the little tongue stick to that nipple.  What a hungry little guy.
So far, he's doing great.  Only have to get a bowel movement for today out of him, and we're all set.
It'll be hard work, feeding every two hours for three weeks, but it's all worth it if i get a cute little kitten to live in the process, will keep you updated.
Now all I need is a name for the little guy!

fresh from the farm......

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