We moved out to the country, on our lovely piece of land, almost three years ago now. It was the best thing that could happen to us and our DD. Nothing like being able to let the kids go play outside without worries of roads, cars, strangers and all other dangers lurking out there.
I remember spending all of my childhood outdoors. We didn't have satellite tv, game consoles and such. We spent our days playing cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, riding our bikes or playing hide and seek. And that is how my DDs are spending their childhoods too. Surrounded by all kinds of animals and creatures.
A once ladybug terrified two year old daughter, is now an avid bug collector.
They say dirty kids are healthy kids, well, mine must be really healthy,lol.
Having a private daycare on the farm is a lot of fun. Some people are turned off and go elsewhere because of all my animals, but what a better way to end a day then to bring in the baby ducklings and geese, while trying to avoid getting boinked by Pitchounette the goat.
........fresh from the farm!