It's that time of year once again. Time to prepare our annual(in it's second year), corn festival. We've learned from our mistakes of last year, so we're a little more prepared this time around.
We pulled out this old outhouse from behind our shed. We figure it's the original outhouse, 1916. It's the cutest thing ever! It used to be a two seater, but we're converting it to a real, working toilet. There was a drawer that came out the back, so you could get rid of the waste, and we found an old vodka, some other liquor and beer bottle. Somebody was hiding their drinking.
DH got his tools out, and got it to stand up straight on it's own, and got everything ready to install the toilet. But doesn't DD#1 tell her little friends to do their business in the whole!!!!! It's not installed yet!!!!! lol, kids!
I finally got to painting the inside, with DH telling me it's a water based paint , so it washes off your hand with water. IT DOESN'T!
Now both hands are almost completely covered with white paint. Thank you DH!
......fresh from the farm