Tuesday, September 22, 2009

fall is here!

You know fall is here when:

-the leaves are changing color in our maple trees, and falling to the ground.
-you take out the hats for the little ones, and you make sure their ears are covered.
-you here the distinct quack of our Canadian geese making their way south for the winter.
-the hens,ducks and geese want in the barn before supper is served.
-the soy plants in the field are all turning yellow and are just about ready to crop.
-when helicopters start flying lower and lower, scanning the corn fields for the beloved "weed plantations".
-the dogs sleep in later and later every morning.
-you suddenly have the urge to pick everything from your garden and can them.
-you suddenly have the urge to take your knitting basket out and knit something.
-When I move my rocking chairs from my porch back into my kitchen.

and last and foremost, you know fall is here when:

Your DH asks you where his long-johns are at!!!!

So, fall is DEFINITELY here!

.....fresh from the farm