Monday, August 16, 2010

rained out but fun day

We've been planning to take the girls' to Mont Cascades water slides.  We decided to go Sunday morning, even though the weather was cloudy, but hot.  but by the time we got to Ottawa, the skies opened up, heavy rain, lightening and thunder.

Once we got there, we were told they would open up the park, and if there wasn't more than 50 people by 1pm, they would close up. 

 Three of us got to do one slide, when thunder and lightning did it's thing again and we were all ushered into the chalet to dry up and eat our pic nics.

 We were told to leave the park, it would close up do to severe thunder storms.  Having only half the day gone, we decided to head into ottawa to hit the museums.  Started off at the museum of civilisation.

We decided to take the girls to see shark 3D at Imax.  It was a first for all of us, and I must say, I will be going again.  It was really cool, just like you were swimming with the sharks.  The girls kept trying to pet the fish as they swam in front of us.  We all got to where those "cool" glasses too.

Overall, we a had a super fun day.  We will be going to the water slides again on Sept.06, hopefully, we get sunshine.

27c, feels like 38, some sun, and thunder showers warnings.

Fresh fromt the farm.....