Tuesday, September 1, 2009

berry season all over!

Well, we can almost officially say that berry season is now over! When you say berries, I've got them! or almost! We did have strawberries, but the first year we got Miss Pitchounette(our goat), we let her roam free in the yard, and she ate all of them, plants and all. So we are replanting those next spring.
Nothing like fresh fruits for the kiddies. First thing DD#2 does when going outside? Heads for the raspberry patch. I didn't even get to collect any to make jams, they were being eaten' faster then they were growing. Same with the apples, had to watch them as they would grab them right off the ground, bugs and all, and eat them.
They say the dirtier your kids are, the healthier they will be, immune system will build. Well my kids must be super healthy, cause they sure are dirty!