Friday, October 23, 2009


We've all heard about this form of influenza going around the world, and putting a scare into everyone.  We've heard from opposites sides of this.  Should we, or shouldn't we?  Who's more at risk?  What's the consequences, symptoms, etc.......
I'm a little suspicious of the effectiveness of the vaccine.  It's just went too fast.  What are the long term effects?  It's very hard to make a decision.
I've taken the conscience decision to not get the vaccines for my family and I.  I hope I'm doing the right thing.  But only time will tell.  We will take every precaution to keep this virus away.  but trying to teach 2 and 3 year old's the proper way to wash your hands, to cough, and not to share stuff with other kids is hard.  But with constant supervision, we will do it.
What's your take on the H1N1?  Will you get the vaccines for your family and yourselves?  Feel free to post your comments.

1 comment:

  1. allo Chantal,,love this place of your...hum here nobody will go for that,,cause you don,t no the after effect,so we wait and wait...
